Woman risks life to expose Obama’s secret Muslim takeover of U.S.

As liberals continue to fight President Trump tooth and nail on his migrant ban, a woman who’s been sitting on many of the United Nations’ meetings regarding refugee resettlement to the United States is risking it all to raise alarm bells to those willing to listen. The information she has about a literal Muslim invasion is so disturbing, that it proves that we are intentionally being taken over thanks to the malicious actions of those at the highest levels of our government. And if our president is unable to stop what is happening with an executive order, America as we know it will soon be lost forever.

( Article by USAPoliticsNow.com )

The woman’s identity in the following video is kept private due to the damning information she exposes about the hordes of terrorists being flown into America as we speak. She reveals that there is a blatant war on American sovereignty taking place, being orchestrated by Barrack Hussein Obama who continues to violate the law through by blocking President Trump’s ban with judicial activism. Obama is secretly planting his Muslim foot soldiers in America, as thousands of these unvetted vermin continue to come to America under the guise of the “refugee” program.

After attending many meetings with the United Nations’ Office of Refugee Monitoring, she was able to drop the following bombshell on the sickening invasion taking place in America. She reveals that not only are these individuals flown into America at night so they go under the radar, but that they’re being thrown on a plane and flown into our country with absolutely zero vetting process. She notes that many of them have many highly-contagious archaic diseases that were once eradicated from the United States, including leprosy, tuberculosis, smallpox, polio, and giardia.

Read more at: usapoliticsnow.com

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